DM’s Cycles & Repairs

28a Alexander Street, Clydebank

Tools for bike assembly & repairs @ DM’s Cycles & Repairs

Various bicycle tools to help make your bike repair and assembly jobs easier. Whether you’re fitting a tyre or removing a bottom bracket, there’s a bike tool for every part! PRO Multi-function multi-tools from Pro Performance and GTB If you don’t see what you need, get in touch through the contact form to see if DM’s can help you out today!

Make your fitting jobs easier

Chain keepers and dummy hubs for working on your bike chain with the wheel off. Mobile quick link storage and chain hook devices. Tyre levers for assistance in removal of tough narrow tyres. Support brace arms for removal of tough pedals without skinning your knuckles! Help yourself with the removal of stuck or rusty parts with a durable nylon soft hammer. Re-spike your Schwalbe winter tyres with the installation tool and new spikes!

Wera 101 Soft-Faced Hammer

Tools for assembly

Maybe you’re looking to step up your home mechanic game or refresh your workshop tools with new PRO performance cable cutters. A torque wrench is an essential piece of kit when building or servicing to ensure everything is as is tight as it should be. Socket sets and spanners come in many different sizes and guises, and DM’s has ready access to bicycle specific toolsets. The superb range from Wera is available for quick home delivery. Special order tools available from Park Tool, BiciSupport, Wheels Manufacturing, DT Swiss, Oxford, Campagnolo & many more. Wheel building and truing tools like the Park Tool BSH-4 for helping you correctly hold bladed spokes.

Wera Bicycle Set 7 Zyklop 3-8 inch Ratchet and Socket Set 27pcs no logo